TiPACCs present at the EC Coordinator day in Brussel

  • Post published:September 12, 2019
  • Reading time:2 mins read
TiPACCs present at the EC Coordinator day in Brussel. From left: Jean-Baptiste Sallé, Svein Østerhus, Saša Zavadlav
From left: Jean-Baptiste Sallé, Svein Østerhus, Saša Zavadlav

As newly funded project we were invited by the European Commission to a Coordinator day in Brussel 6th September. Svein, Hilmar and myself where attending the meeting and gave two presentations, one short pitch given by Svein and one longer presentation given by Hilmar. The same kind of presentations where given by the other projects funded and gave us a good overview of activities and possible collaborations.

We met with our Project Advisor, Saša Zavadlav who was organizing the meeting and we really appreciate that she will attend our Kick-off meeting in October. Even though we have had quite a lot of contact with her during the process of finalizing the Grant Agreement, first payment etc. it was a great pleasure to meet her in person.

Jean-Baptiste Sallé, member of the TiPACCs Advisory Board was also present at the meeting being the coordinator of the project So-Chic. Svein has a role as WP leader (Bottom ocean ventilation pathways) in this project. Sallé is coming to the Kick-off meeting, where we will have the opportunity to discuss possible further collaborations with So-Chic.