Supporting researchers with science communication training tools and methods is critical to support the effective sharing of scientific research with various publics. This is particularly important when the research surrounds environmental science and our changing planet; clear messaging that engages the public with environmental science can improve public understanding and help to effect changes in behavior with regards the climate. With regards science communication, there are specific issues that make the training more nuanced and this is often missing from general science communication training. More can be done to support researchers by enabling them to think about the nuances of environmental sciences. Further training is always useful, but providing them with the opportunity to practice science communication skills with audiences will also support this end.

To enable scaling of outreach activities, Northumbria University, through the Northumbria University, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (NUSTEM), an outreach and research group based at UNN, developed and delivered two science communication training sessions, the most recent of which took place in Grenoble, during the second day of the TiPACCs Annual Meeting 2022. The three-hour training took place in Grenoble, France on 14 June 2022 and was facilitated by Joe Shimwell (NUSTEM).