A workshop on “ocean tipping points and extreme events” organised by the COMFORT and TiPACCs projects and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) will take place online on 14 April 2023 from 9h30-11h30.
The event will cover aspects of marine tipping points and extreme events, mitigation pathways and adaptation options, as well as policy-relevant recommendations for Norway.
Aim and Scope
Recently, tipping points have attracted a lot of attention from both science and the media in the discussion of human-caused climate change. The IPCC in their latest assessment report no. 6 list tipping
points in their glossary: “A critical threshold beyond which a system reorganizes, often abruptly and/or irreversibly.” The events of tipping are called regime shifts. In this workshop, we will cover the definition itself in more detail along with recent findings on marine tipping points and regime shifts from the two EU Horizon 2020 projects COMFORT and TiPACCs and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme. The event will cover aspects of reversibility, time scales, uncertainties involved, mitigation pathways and adaptation options, and policy-relevant recommendations.
Moderator: Christoph Heinze (UiB)
09:30-09:50: Abrupt changes, regime shifts and tipping points: potential impacts on Norway by Friederike Fröb (UiB) and Petra Langebroek (NORCE)
09:50-10:05: Q&A
10:05-10:15: Assessing the mitigation potential and side effects of ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal techniques by Giang Tran (GEOMAR)
10:15-10:25: Emit now, mitigate later? Response of the Earth system to zero and negative emissions by Jörg Schwinger (NORCE)
10:25-10:35: Adaptation in the changing Arctic by Rolf Rødven (AMAP)
10:35-10:40: Policy recommendations by Christoph Heinze (UiB)
10:40-11:30: Q&A session