We think the most robust, science-backed policies are created in collaborative multidisciplinary research such as in TiPACCs – and joint Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe initiatives.
It is in these collaborations we discover the most innovative and sustainable solutions. This is also why TiPACCs jointly organized today’s science policy event at NORCE’s office in Brussels, with sister projects and the European Polar Board.
When dealing with polycrises such as climate change and tipping points, all good ideas should be brought to the table. Therefore, we value the contribution of a PhD student and those new to the EU system, just as much as we value contributions from established policy makers and researchers with decades of experience.
Thank you for participating at the TiPACCs policy event! Polar research should be higher on the political agenda. The questions that we are tackling require sharing of knowledge and collaborative engagement!
We have summarized the discussions into an event report, and it can be downloaded here: