30 QUESTIONS SUR L’OCÉAN: La Sorbonne et la mer

  • Post published:September 11, 2023
  • Reading time:1 mins read
You are currently viewing 30 QUESTIONS SUR L’OCÉAN: La Sorbonne et la mer

A fantastic new book has just landed on the shelves: 30 QUESTIONS SUR L’OCÉAN: La Sorbonne et la mer; published by the Sorbonne University Press on 9 September 2022

In the form of simple questions and answers, thirty researchers from the Alliance Sorbonne University take stock of the main questions affecting the ocean, its state and its evolution. TiPACCs researcher Pierre Matihot (UGA) and Katherine Hutchinson contribute chapter 5: Y-a-t-il un océan sous les glaces de l’Antarctique ? (Is there an ocean under the Antarctic ice?). The book can be purchased from the Sorbonne University Press website.